I bet you are wondering how I went from being pregnant with one baby and being a family of 3, to being a family of 6!

I know that some of my family and friends are wondering how in the heck we are going to be able to do this.

With Donald in school and me not working as much for the past year, we have really been blessed to even make our mortgage payment, electric bill or car payment at all. It has been paycheck to paycheck and sometimes wondering what we could sell just to make it to the next paycheck. I have complete faith that God's got this one. As crazy as it is, I am really not scared at all...nor does my husband seem to be. Heh! ;) We seem to have a peace about this. Besides life is much more interesting when you don't know what is headed your way. It builds character!
All in all, it is what we should be doing, want to be doing and enjoy doing. These girls are an awesome addition to our family. It has definitely turned the entertainment notch up a bit.