Sunday evening I had discovered I was leaking amniotic fluid. This is fine and to almost be expected late in the pregnancy, so long as you are replenishing that fluid. I don't think that women realize just how important it is to drink water during their pregnancy. I called my wonderful midwife, Linda to inform her. She reassured me that it was fine and asked if I was still having the contractions I have been having for a couple of weeks now and my answer was yes. I was to just pay close attention to things from here on out.
Monday I woke up to feel some pretty heavy contractions although they were not in a consistent pattern, I knew something was changing. I then called Linda again and she asked me to come on up to her (home) clinic (which is just past the Tennessee state line, about 20 minutes away). I called Donald, he left work immediately, ran by the school to pick up Calvin and came to pick me up! He was a little excited, it was cute! Once we arrived, Linda checked me over and determined I was definitely in labor and we would probably be having a baby that night or Tuesday at some point. We decided to head home to do most of the laboring there.
As we drove down the road, we were just super excited. Just past the state line we got a call from Linda, she asked us to turn around and head back to the clinic. Linda had realized after looking at a blood test I took in the beginning, that we had kinda lost site of how far along I was. Please understand, I have been measuring at two weeks ahead of time this whole pregnancy and that blood test was not taken with Linda, it was taken with the doctor we started out with. So it was easy for us to loose focus by measuring the uterus (my belly) and such. We don't a ton of ultrasounds to determine things. Sunday, I was under the impression that I was full term (37 weeks) along but it turns out I am only 35 (based off that blood test). Linda asked that we go home, relax and try to slow things down, if it did not stop, she believed the baby would be just fine, as did I too. I am completely confident that this is one healthy baby but ultimately in the end, only God knows and I truly need to listen to my midwife.
We went home a little frustrated but knew it was still a possibility to give birth soon. I then got a call a little while later from Linda, she asked that I try to completely stop the labor. To take a shower, drink 4 to 6 ounces of wine, and lay down. I got off the phone and just sobbed. I had taken my shower and I laid down for about 20 minutes (which was really all I could sleep) and no change. I reluctantly drank the wine, I just did not want to stop the progress. The contractions did not slow down until late that night. I was able to get a couple hours of sleep.
Here we are on Wednesday, my contractions have continued, although nowhere near as consistent as they were getting on Monday and I am still leaking amniotic flu

Ultimately, I know what I need to do. I need to suck it up and be patient. I feel torn. I am so anxious but at the same time I am SO glad that I have this time to prepare. I have this time to work on centering my attention on relaxing as I should. We all know I won't get much relaxing time after this little one is here.
SO to end this long blog, if you are bored and would like to just relax, come on over! We will sit here and drink wine (of course I will be cut off after one) and just breathe!
I think you have a wonderful way of writing things so that everyone can understand the feelings and emotions you are going through. I love it! I know the frustrations, keep knowing that your body knows what it is doing and when the time is right..your baby will be here. HUGS and prayers that you can be patient and not frustrated.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Cathy! That is so encouraging.
ReplyDeleteYou do have a wonderful way of writing things. Take it easy these last few weeks. I'm sorry you are on bedrest. I was in your shoes in April. I was on bedrest because of pre-eclampsia. I was not one to want to stay in bed either. I hope you can handle it better than I did.
ReplyDeleteLaura Brown (Sundberg)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! I love the way it looks! You have done a great job in your posts too! Hang in there and knit something (like some booties! :-)) with that big ol' ball of yarn you had! Keep your hand's busy so you might be able to keep your mind off the frustration. I will pray for you that you are able to do that till the little guy gets here.
Love you!
Thank you Laura. I am glad it is only preventive measures more than anything. My blood pressure is doing good but I am still leaking fluid and having hard contractions so this is where I will be. Thank you for the encouraging words. This will be a challenge for me.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lil! I will try to keep busy and keep my mind of things. Lisa is here helping today. I love you Lil.